Monday, April 16, 2012 release a collection of LJ- fiction

Uncertain tradition ' blogging ' a series of AST publishing house continued union activists Yapisatel, announcing a literary competition for the best LiveJournal posts, which will be included in the book ' Living Book Learn Russian '.

User kosolapa explained the network graphomaniac contest rules: you must publish the advertisement 's ideas in his diary, then you can join the action. By the end of the contest was left 26 days, during which time you can still manage to publish anything. It is noteworthy that the site yapisatel. ru, mail is used by the organizers of the competition is almost a basic nursery grafomanstva in RuNet: the site offers a variety of training courses on ' how to write a book after 31 days ' and ' you do not know what you could write? '.

For all shirpotrebnosti network literature, such collections in every way treated kindly wishing to join the progress seteraturnomu buyers that ensures a good wage publishers. In the event the current contest lyricists do not even get royalties, paid off with a couple of copies for the author's friends and family.

It should be noted that the search for talent on the web does not only ACT: netlenku blogs are looking for editors publishers 'Forum' is not behind a fashionable St. Petersburg holding current ' Amphora ', started the literary prize ' Blogbaster '.

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