Tuesday, April 17, 2012

At the request of readers of the web-studio

I have dealt with only a web -studio probably would have croaked from hunger. The average price for a site in the city rarely exceed 30,000, in fact, teetering somewhere between 15 and 25. Is a site for the contract month and a half, but in fact one and a half years, although there are instances of the site this week. The site - a multifactorial and multistage product. Of course, many do it for a day on the people, choosing a sample design and deploying a standard engine. We regularly remake such sites to Joomla, which is strongly liking freelancers on the web. Because such sites do not meet the requirements of. That does not answer all. Here the extra figoviny, then unnecessary parameters Admin wonderful. As a result, the company rasplevavshis with Friel comes to us. And the work begins.

first, the design. No one wants to design a model. even for free. And as for the money a person can expect a unique design. Not in the sense of the outstanding and different from other. While the back and forth, until all the details utryasesh, lo and behold, a week has passed. And then the two. I know the studio, where the layout lasts a few months. Not because of the stupidity of designers, and just built the scheme of work.

Then dotochka design. You can not see all the times before the client ever asks dorisovat here, add it here to correct. And dorisovyvaet adds, corrects. What else?.

Then the programming. Well, now there are modules for all occasions. And the catalog and shop, and guest book, and today 's mastered the injection of the video on YouTube. But some have to start from scratch and this time, a lot of time on seemingly mundane things.

Then the content for which the customer is never right all the materials. And not for harm, but because of laziness and banal lack of time on your own website. Again, delays, chimes, delay.

And in the midst of all this whirlwind you are still constantly engaged in financial matters, because nobody wants to pay on time. In addition, they all want discounts, deferred, installment payments, refer to the complex financial commitments, and then write in response to a call sms ' return at the end of the month, I was on holiday in Bali '.

In the end, pull one five projects still could be, but there are ten. And the worst thing that you should hang on the neck of ten projects, as there is on the horizon two or three customers. A website - this is not the sausage. You can not tell the client ' let's wait mesyatsok, we all ', because today you all, and through mesyatsok may be empty. In the end, you take all these poor fellows, and, eventually turning his life into hell, which consists of constant clashes with the staff, do not keep up with your flight of fancy, and clients, anxious delays.

And anyway, how many would not take the work sites, you still can not increase its production up to a comfortable size. Everything rests in the possibility of a man who is busy at work. And automate the production does not work. And you start to think, because it Belkino wheel with each rotation is becoming increasingly annoying.

And you start to sell domains and hosting. It is very easy: buy a domain reseller and sold to the client. Profit in the 300-1000 %. Hosted by selling even more fun as single cigarettes. And he seems to be out, do not en-. How many do not try, do not type in this small town as clients to feel calm and comfortable. 20-30-50 contracts. And it's just a penny, which almost offset the cost of your idle server. At some point, you spit, and you give the client a favorite domain for free, considering it included in the price, and provides free hosting to friends. Because many do not play in the sandbox, it does not make you a millionaire. Do not become the king of match, if only to sell hundreds of boxes a year. And sell a million boxes simply no.

And you're looking for another option. And you find. Promotion gives witchcraft and magic. No one understands how it works, including you. But should start doing, as everything is quite simple. You have to be careful and persistent. But most importantly, we must have nerves of steel. And you start to move the site to the top. It turns. Long-term contracts, work routine, one can accurately support up to 20 contracts at the same time. This is almost what you're looking for. And again, bummer. Nerves can not stand.

Promotion - a very nervous business. If you have 10 expensive projects, with 8 out, but two - no, even if almost nothing to do. Just stupid waste of up to 50 % of contract amount. In the case of low prices for the contract, and the other in the province does not happen, so even a small number of customers - the odds that two customers can send you just fuck, ghostly small. You need all the. Just to survive. And so every drop of positions you perceive a person as a search engine spits in your face. And the nerves pass. Because there is no patience to talk about the patience of the customer. And even less patience to look at how your actions effect of inertia is shown after the break contract. And the soul of the spit, and for no reason, it turns.

And you're looking for more options. others. To not see all those customers who are willing to love you today and tomorrow to raise the stakes. You take the old abandoned projects, deficiencies, non-profit projects. You put them glanders, ksapu, Adsense, if you're lucky - direct. A penny? . Where only practiced where the client does not pick up where just threw or forgotten. So much for a couple of dozen projects, and five hundred dollars out of thin air. Gift of heaven.

routine. And you wanted so much to learn to fly. Make a project that will transform the world. And sell it to advertising not because you need money, but because too many people want to buy it. You know perfectly well that those who have a horse in this regard, the years of eating cereal with water, painstakingly debugging scripts and the possibility of the project by collecting a drop of your audience. And only last year or two rowing cabbage. You just chose a different path. Although never too late to choose a new. And try again.

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