Friday, April 6, 2012

The mysterious underwater pyramid

Perhaps they will unravel the mystery of another ancient pyramid found, this time in China. Step Pyramid found at the bottom of the lake Fusyan (south-western Yunnan Province ).
The height of the pyramid is 19 meters, the length of its base - 90 meters. The mysterious building is constructed of stone slabs and consists of five stages. The two upper levels of the pyramid, made of sandstone, broken. And the other ledges, built of limestone, a rock solid well-preserved. Interestingly, at the bottom of the lake Fusyan there, at least nine objects of this size and the number of medium and small plants of another species has thirty.

As suggested by the head of the Archaeological Center at the University Kunshen Lee, the object is the creation of an ancient civilization. The area of the architectural complex is about 2.5 square kilometers. From the bottom of the lake archaeologists have raised an earthen vessel, which is made during the Eastern Han Dynasty, which ruled in the 25 - 220 years BC.

In 1968 P pilot. Brush in the Bahamas, or Bimi and Andros saw under the water surface of large stone buildings. The researchers, using underwater archaeologists, and the results of aerial survey discovered the ruined building, a pyramid with the base of 54x42 meters, streets, walls, port breakwaters with large, mysterious circles, lined with huge stones, and more.
In 1936, the doctor F. Morgan saw the three pyramids on the bottom of the lake near the town of Rock of Maryland (USA). Divers examined them and confirmed that this is really a pyramid with square and rectangular bases, as well as ...

In 1973, on board the vessel ...

One of the most interesting discoveries occurred in 1985 when the coastal waters of a small Japanese island of Yonaguni local diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake stumbled upon a strange object. Not far from the shore just below the surface of the waves, he saw a huge stone monument, stretching to the limits of visibility. The wide flat platform, covered with ornaments of rectangles and diamonds, moved into the intricate terraces cascading down the big steps. The edge of an object is dropped vertically down the wall to the bottom at a depth of 27 meters, forming one wall of the trench running along the entire monument.

Elements of design, it seemed, had a very definite architectural scheme that resembles the step pyramids of ancient Sumer.

Discovered the ruins became a subject of debate, which was attended by both historians and geologists. Despite the strict plane, the right of the arc and perfectly straight lines parallel to the edges of the elements of the complex, completely carved into the rock, most scientists persistently called this building ...

Seriously reacted only to the discovery of Masaaki Kimura - Professor, University of the Ryukyus, a recognized expert in the field of marine geology and seismology. As a result of his research, Professor Kimura decided to go against the overwhelming majority of historians and risk his reputation defending the artificial origin of the found object.

Disputes could go on for very long if it were not for scuba divers, who found a wholly artificial confirmation Japanese submarine complex. The research team sent by the broadcaster Discovery Channel, found at the bottom of the sculpture of a human head, with a typical headdress of feathers, clearly echoing similar sculptures of Central America.

Moreover, it became clear that the temple off the coast of Japan, built in multi-ton blocks of stone and high-altitude sanctuary of Machu Picchu ( the city- fortress of the Incas ), have analogies in the design decisions. In two cases, the local convergence of the walls of the builders laid T -shaped blocks, providing a ...

Using a unique processing technology, nameless masters created these cultural monuments that have withstood the earthquake and hundreds of years of constant exposure to cold winds and rain.

It remains a mystery, as a culture, which originated in the foothills of the Andes, was able to leave such a significant mark on the shores of another continent. Incidentally, in the summer of 1991 the famous oceanographer, Dr. Meyer Verlag at a press conference in Freeport made ​​a very mysterious statement. He claimed that during the test bed of the famous ...

According to scientists, they were built relatively recently - about half a century ago - and made ​​for an unknown technology from a material similar to a thick glass. Dr. Meyer gave to his fellow scientists to report on the results of studies with drawings of the pyramids and their exact coordinates. He also said that in late summer, intends to take an underwater expedition to the Pyramids. The results of these studies are still unknown.

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