Wednesday, April 18, 2012

To advertise in the ' Runner ' site is not required

' Runner ', a Russian contextual advertising, launches the ' Runner. Mini-site ' for customers, while having no representation in the Network. Later, when sufficient quantities of orders from the Internet users, companies can do online trading - and advertised ' traditional ' way.

Based on the information specified in the registration in the ' Runner ', you create a Web page that contains all the necessary contact details, location map for Moscow advertisers and offers, current at the moment. The mini -site integrated with additional interactive forms of communication with the user: ' Call Context ' and the form to send an e-mail.

Link to Mini- Site is translated into every ad with a picture of the advertiser's phone indicating the ' Contact '. Each mini- site is assigned a unique address on the Internet site of the form. begun. ru/74951234567, where the figures is the phone number listed to the advertiser. It also creates a WAP-version of the mini- site with the same location - for users of mobile Internet.

The main competitor ' Runner ', ' Yandex. Direct ', introduced a similar service for quite some time - however, the functionality of its slightly lower.

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