Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The official extension for Google Chrome - the button ' a ' and 'Like'

The morning began with a pleasant surprise - to start a new useful. Extensions for Google Chrome.

Rasshireniye dla Google Chrome

Despite the high value that Google gives its social. service Google. button and the ' a ', not all webmasters have enriched the arsenal of the sites of this remarkable development, which allows Internet users to share information and to put points. for the quality of resources.


Monday, June 4, 2012

2001 - 2010 the first books that have shaken

Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 08. 57.

2001—2010-й: книги, которые потрясалиVictoria Shokhin. 2001-2010 - D: books that have shaken.

In the arena - the most high-profile authors zero.

The list, presented below, hit the book, about which the noise. Sometimes the noise was loud, sometimes not, sometimes almost inaudible, but still was. But the quality of the book the noise level does not depend, he depended on other factors extraliterary. More.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Here it is a fact of life!

Movers usually do a brilliant career in companies that are adventures troechnika. In the section ' jokes ' on a site.